My Values
Demonstrating the integrity needed to lead by example.​
Bringing my authenticity to each encounter, and using it to maintain an non-judgemental space where all are treated with compassion and respect.
Creating the trust needed to discuss sensitive or difficult information.
Sharing my passion for equity in a relaxed environment.
Workplace training
You want your business to thrive. Prepare your management team, frontline employees, and support staff to provide the best service possible. Creating inclusive work environments (for staff and clients/customers) Includes building awareness, development and growth of knowledge and skills, and the comfort/confidence of using those skills. All workplace education is customized to meet the unique needs of your business. Training content is specific to and relevant for your field of work. Just B Consulting works with your existing system; you can be involved with the design of each learning event.
Workplace training can include:
Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion
Inclusive Language
Unconscious Bias
Creating Safe(r) Work Environments
Preventing Hiring Bias
Also available is my Workplace Inclusivity Now! (WIN!) Program
Training Events
Allow Just B Consulting to provide a safe, low-stress learning environment and attend one of our customized learning opportunities. I want to work with you, your business, community organization, nonprofit, or any other type of group, big or small. My goal is to deliver content that specifically suits your needs. The skills required of the staff in a medical clinic are much different than of those who work in a large office building or members of a book club. I take pride in personalizing each training event instead of relying on one single cookie-cutter presentation. We’re all unique; we all learn in different ways. So allow me to produce material that accommodates your needs and is relevant to your organization. I’m happy to customize length, accessibility requirements, or whatever makes learning easiest for your group. The delivery method can also be modified into pre-recorded video sessions, self-study modules, one-on-one mentorship, keynote speaking events, fun & interactive group workshops, or anything else you can dream up!
Workshops I’ve previously delivered that can be customized for your group include:
Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion
Inclusive Leadership
LGBTQ2S+ Basics
Accessibility 101
Inclusive Language
Gender Diversity 101
Equity vs. Equality
Diversity = Profit
Mental Health Matters
Unconscious Bias
Privilege vs. Oppression
Ally is a Verb: Let’s Take Action
Healthcare Disparities in Marginalized Communities
Inclusion in Sports
Aging Gracefully (Supporting LGBTQ2S+ Elders)
LGBTQ2S+ Children: Where To Start
First Impressions: Diversity & Inclusion in Emergency Medical Services